Okay, I need to figure out a way to be a professional leather class taker. Carving a bear, or carving pretty much anything for that matter, is way more fun that hanging sheet rock. After two weeks off from work, hauling 12 foot sheets of sheet rock down stairs and hanging it on a ceiling really kicked my butt!! I'm glad we finished up that part of our job this week, but I bet putting siding on isn't going to be a whole lot more fun.
So, can a person be a professional leather class taker?? I don't know, but I've got something in the works that might at least make it possible to do it part time, and maybe even make some money doing it. I'm keeping my fingers crossed hoping this works out. Who knows where it could lead.
When I was at Jan's he asked if I knew where he could get big marbles. He uses large marbles to help with the embossing part of his projects. We couldn't find them at Hobby Lobby or the other art supply stores so I did a search on the
internet. I came up with a place called
Rainbow Turtle that carries all sizes of marbles up to 2 inches. (or up to over 10 inches if you need a crystal ball!) I ordered some 1 3/8 and 1 5/8 inch marbles last weekend and the arrived in just a few days. If you're looking for large marbles, check them out.
I've got to get busy and get all my stuff in order so I can get my taxes done this week. I should have gotten it done this weekend, but I spent a lazy weekend with Stacy. Guess I'll have to do it one of these evenings. Once that's out of the way, I can get back to working on some leather projects. I've got lots of ideas on my ever growing list.