Friday, January 8, 2010

Hairing around the eye

Now I've moved on to the hair around the eye. Under the eye, I started by "picking" with the hair knife like I did on the nose. Then after a few rows of the really short hair, I started to cut in slightly longer hair.

This hair is then sliced underneath and separated in the same way we did the longer hair inside the ear, but on a smaller scale.

I take a scalpel or a modeling tool with the end sharpened up to slice under the top eye lid.
To do the eye lash, I cut a piece of light cardboard (business card etc.) and tuck it into the cut line of the eyelash. This will keep me from accidentally making a cut on the eye ball. A cut there is almost impossible to smooth out or cover up.

With the cardboard in place, use the scalpel to cut in individual eye lashes. These cuts need to be really close together to make them look realistic.

Next I'll continue on with the hair above the eye, being careful to watch the direction of the hair and the length.

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